Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you might have a lot of questions about Direct Primary Care. Browse the questions below to learn more, and if you want to meet with Dr. Tartaglia to determine if this is the right fit for you, book your meet-and-greet here.

+ What is Direct Primary Care (DPC)?

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative healthcare model where physicians partner with their patients to provide primary care services under a flat, periodic membership fee. By moving outside of the administrative burdens of the traditional insurance-based billing system, DPC practices are able to provide a wide spectrum of care in a transparent, affordable manner. DPC practices - now a grassroots movement numbering over 1,000 nationwide - are able to do this while offering patients a higher level of service, communication, and relationship, than what is often found in our dysfunctional healthcare system. And, DPC is not just good for patients. It allows primary care physicians to discover their full potential and joy in practicing medicine.

+ Can I meet Dr. Tartaglia before enrolling?

Yes, by clicking on the "Meet Dr. Tartaglia" button at the top right of the webpage to book a 15 minute meet and greet.

+ Can I make an appointment if not a member?

We will be offering an a la carte option for non-members. Stay posted for more details.

+ Do you take health insurance?

No, we do not as a full DPC. In order for us to maximize our time with you, the patient, we do not bill your insurance or provide super bills.

+ Is this a good fit for me if I have health insurance?

Yes, Tartaglia Family Medicine can take care of 80 to 90% of your healthcare needs as a DPC. But you will need your health insurance or medical cost sharing for catastrophic and emergency needs.

+ Can I be a member if I am on Medicare?

Yes, you will need to sign a Medicare Private Contract declaring that neither you nor your doctor will directly bill Medicare for our services. Medicare will still cover any laboratory testing, imaging, medications, or hospitalization prescribed by our office. If you have an HMO plan, we can not do in network referrals.

+ Is Tartaglia Family Medicine considered health insurance?

No, Tartaglia Family Medicine is not health insurance. We do not bill health insurance or Medicare for our monthly membership fees. You can use your health insurance or Medicare for prescriptions, labs, and imaging. But we do have discounted prescriptions, labs, and imaging as added benefits to our members.

+ Is this concierge medicine?

No, Tartaglia Family Medicine is not concierge medicine. Concierge medicine is much more expensive. Concierge practices usually have annual contracts and charge co-pays plus bill health insurance or Medicare.

+ Are there any contracts or commitments?

We do not require members to sign any contracts that commit them to certain period of membership. Memberships are ongoing and open but must be paid monthly in order to maintain service with us. We do require a 30 day cancellation notice.

+ Are there any hidden fees?

One of our main goals at Tartaglia Family Medicine is to be fully transparent. Most services are covered by the monthly membership fee. Any service not covered under membership will be fully communicated to the member before service is provided.

+ Do you offer virtual visits?

Yes, virtual visits are a part of your monthly membership. We use a digital care platform called Spruce. It is an all-in-one platform built for healthcare that puts calls, voicemails, texts, secure messages, fax, video, and telemedicine in one place. Once a member, we will text a link or code to your mobile device for you to download the Spruce app.

+ Can my children be seen by Dr. Tartaglia?

Absolutely! Dr. Tartaglia loves kids and has three of her own. Tartaglia Family Medicine provides care for the entire family. We can see your children for all their wellness checks, treat them when they are sick and help with individual needs as part of their healthcare plan. Though we do not yet provide vaccinations, we can help you in obtaining them.

+ What if I'm healthy and never go to the doctor?

As a DPC practice, our primary goal is proactive healthcare. In this healthcare model, we can dedicate more time to prevention and lifestyle issues to continue to keep you away from the expensive, cumbersome health care system. However, when you need care, we are available to help you get back on track and avoid trips to ER or urgent care.

+ What if I want to cancel my membership?

Though we hope you stay, we understand there are some unforeseen circumstances and/or needs change. You are welcome to cancel at anytime but we ask for a 30 day notice in writing. Also, please know there is a re-enrollment fee of $150 per member.