Back to Basics

All too often, I see providers too fast to just write a prescription to solve the “problem”.

Sometimes, it’s just about getting back to the basics. Incorporating these practices consistently into your daily routine can be an absolute game changer for not only transforming your health and wellness right now but your longevity looking ahead at years to come.

  • Rest: You need more than you are getting, trust me. Prioritizing down time in your schedule as well as an adequate night of sleep consistently provides vast benefits not only for your mood but also things like stress + cardiovascular health.

  • Stress Management: Take time to take care of yourself! Figure out what outlet provides that release for you whether it is a good book, taking time to get in the sunshine for some Vitamin D, moving your body or indulging in some self care. 

  • Nutrition: This is a marathon, not a sprint. Developing habits and a way of eating that is sustainable and becomes a lifestyle is key. This isn't to say you can't have "fun food" or indulge in treats or drinks but fueling your body with whole foods when you can will provide immense value for your body, energy and mind health.

  • Exercise: There is no one size fits all model here. Simply stated: MOVE YOUR BODY. Go for a walk, stretch, do a yoga class, lift some weights, go for a run or hike - the possibilities are endless. And especially while the weather is still nice here - get outside!

  • Supplements: High quality supplements are a great option to fill in the nutritional gaps. While these should not be a total replacement for nutrition and exercise, I recommend consulting with your provider to request bloodwork and see what supplements can help optimize your body function.

If you're looking support from a physician that takes the time to remind you of these important basics and address your wellness from a whole body perspective  - I've got you covered. I'd love to chat with you more to see if we are a good fit for each other!

Click the button below to request a free meet + greet or give our office a call at (623)263-8733 to schedule.


Back to School Basics