Back to School Basics

It seems impossible that summer has come to an end and kids are back in the full swing of school already.

This season brings a change of routines, habits and that fleeting resource of time.

Whether you're in the stage of parenting a first time school age child or a seasoned veteran with high schoolers, these 5 tips are great reminders to help keep BOTH you and your family healthy this school year.

Prioritizing Sleep

Brains and bodies are working HARD during the school year with full days of learning, play and maybe even after school sports/extracurriculars. Your littles need time to to rest and recharge to help support their bodies and their optimal performance and mood. Hours may vary based on the age of your child but on average a minimum of 9-10 hours of restful sleep per night is ideal. Incorporating a wind down routine including things like a warm shower or bath, a book or story instead of screen time right before bed and even an essential oil diffuser in their bedroom may be helpful to ensure a restful night sleep.

Hydration is KEY

It is no secret that it is HOT here in Arizona which means we need to work extra hard to stay properly hydrated (as both children AND adults). Try to avoid too many sugary drinks like Gatorade and other similar beverages as your main source of hydration and ensure you and your children are drinking plenty of water. You can even add a pink of Himalayan pink salt to your water to help boost your bodies replenishment up a notch!

Whole Food Nutrient Rich Diet

A well balanced, nutrient-rich diet is SO important. Ensuring that you are finding balance with a colorful array of fruits and vegetables, good complex carbs, healthy fats and lean protein will help both you and your kids feel energized and nourished. Of course sprinkle in the treats or "fun snacks" as you choose but a foundation of whole foods will not only provide support for your family's immune systems but also keep you fuller, longer!

Consistent Vitamin Support

With back to school comes the influx of a not so welcome friend...GERMS. It's inevitable which we realize and a healthy amount of germ exposure will actually help strengthen immune systems. The combination of a well balanced diet along with some good, staple, clean ingredient supplements like a multivitamin, Liposomal Vitamin C, and Zinc are great staples to have as a part of your preventative tool kit and in your daily routine. It doesn't hurt to also regularly go over good hand washing practices with your kids and remind them to keep their hands off of their faces and out of their mouths ESPECIALLY while at school.

Gimme That Sunshine

We know it's hot, but even 15 minutes of Vitamin D exposure without sun protectant on can do wonders for helping to naturally boost your immune systems! Some kids may not be getting much playground time right now with temperatures still being so high so if you can incorporate even just a short amount of time in the sun each day, your future self will thank you!


Back to Basics


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