Why Even Have a Primary Care Doctor?

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If you are like most people, you probably don’t really have a “family doctor”. You think, “I’m never sick, why do I need one anyway?”

You probably just head into Urgent Care or a Minute Clinic when something comes up, or go to the Gynecologist, or take the referral to a specialist if necessary.

Well, you are not alone! 

Most people have NO CLUE what their Primary Care Physician is for other than a highly paid gatekeeper to the specialist they need to see or to just treat your sinus infection. 

True enough – That’s exactly how our current healthcare system operates.

But I want to change that!! 

In our current model, where the insurance companies dictate healthcare and primary care doctors must see an average of 20-25 patients per day – I don’t often have the time to do anything else.

So I often give a referral and let the endocrinologist “do that”.

Or let a rheumatologist handle it.

Or a cardiologist.

Along the way, you acquire a list of specialists, all operating independently, and treating their “piece” of the body.

But this model is the most dangerous thing in medicine right now.

There is no longer a hub – a single doctor who is managing the full picture.

At best, this leads to an incredibly expensive (and wasteful) care model.

No matter how you look at it, a rushed primary doctor is the most expensive entity in healthcare.

The truth is, most things CAN be handled by a primary care physician but

I just don’t have the time.🕐🕑🕒 With my new model, I CAN be that doctor for YOU. 

Every team needs a leader, and the same is true for your healthcare. Think about your last project at work, or coordinating your last family vacation… 

Someone has to run the point, or the outcomes aren’t often pretty. 

The same is true for your healthcare. Without an engaged primary care physician overseeing and managing your care things could get messy.

That’s supposed to be the primary care’s role - and that’s MY job for you. 

There are a growing number of physicians breaking out of the insurance system and providing healthcare directly to consumers.

This is called Direct Primary Care (DPC) and these practices operate on a small monthly membership fee that includes most routine care and prescription discounts.

The key feature of direct primary care is that we don’t have daily patient quotas to hit.

Which means we can spend as much time as necessary with our patients.

That gives us the ability to manage care – and truly look out for YOU!

What are the things that we really need? What things can make your life simpler? That is what Tartaglia Family Medicine can offer you…

  • Increased access to your doctor 

  • Extended, relaxed visits. You will not feel RUSHED. There will never be a question you won’t have time to ask

  • Because we accept fewer patients, you will have a REAL relationship with your doctor

  • Full access to technology.  You’ll be able to reach your doctor and medical information via email, text, and phone

  • Wholesale labs done right IN THE OFFICE

  • Deeply discounted medication

If you are ready to be a part of this amazing new movement in medicine then click here to enroll TODAY!

Enroll soon as spots are limited! As an added bonus, from now until we launch on November 2, the enrollment fee is WAIVED. 

Let’s reclaim the heart of medicine together- I’m so excited for this journey together. 


Dr. Tartaglia 


Back to School Basics


Why I Chose DPC